

Impact of PV/Wind Forecast Accuracy and National Transmission Grid Reinforcement on the Italian Electric System

The high share of PV energy requires greater system flexibility to address the increased demand/supply imbalance...

IRENA SolarCity

This project combines ultra-high-resolution (0.5 meter or 1 meter) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and 3D vector...

IEA Task 16-3.5 Report: Firm Power Generation

Grid-connected solar power generation, either dispersed or centralized, has developed and grown at the margin of a...

Inferring PV system specifications from net load

The increasing penetration of grid-connected solar photovoltaics has challenged the existing method of planning and...

Firm PV Power generation for Switzerland

We investigate whether photovoltaics (PV) can effectively and economically contribute to a massively renewable energy...

Firm PV Power Generation in Switzerland

We investigate whether PV can effectively and economically contribute to a massively renewable energy (RE) power...

Nonparametric Temporal Downscaling of GHI Clear-sky Indices Using Gaussian Copula

Small-scale variabilities of solar irradiance are important for many applications. Downscaling approaches need to be...

Enhancing Temporal Variability of 5-minute Satellite-Derived Solar Irradiance Data

Satellite-derived solar irradiance data are known to underestimate temporal variability compared to point measurements...

Update 2022 – A Fundamental Look at Supply Side Energy Reserves for the Planet

Energy on our planet is central to the functioning of our ecosystem and modern human society. This work attempts to...

A Review of Solar Forecasting, Its Dependence on Atmospheric Sciences and Implications for Grid Integration: Towards Carbon Neutrality

The ability to forecast solar irradiance plays an indispensable role in solar power forecasting, which constitutes an...

IMPLICIT STORAGE – Optimally Achieving Lowest-Cost 100% Renewable Power generation

Implicit storage – aka overbuilt and operationally curtailed variable renewable energy (RE) resources – is a...

Quantifying the Solar Impacts of Wildfire Smoke in Western North America

2020 was the most active wildfire season in recent history. This study leverages solar models to quantify the solar...

Least-Cost Firm PV Power Generation: Dynamic Curtailment vs. Inverter-Limited Curtailment

Overbuilding and dynamic curtailment are increasingly acknowledged as central to cost-optimally transforming...

Residual Load Imbalance Mitigation Strategy via Flexible PV Ancillary Services: The Italian Case Study

Large share of solar energy imposes a higher system flexibility to resolve the increased demand/supply imbalance due...

Ultra-High Photovoltaic Penetration: Where to Deploy

While it is widely known that the solar resource is sufficient to meet the world’s energy demand many times over, the...

Making the Cut with a Carbon Elimination Price: The Missing Piece to Bill Gates’ How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Book

In the book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates begins to address the issue of how much it will cost to...

Italian Protocol for Massive Solar Integration: From Solar Imbalance Regulation to Firm 24/365 Solar Generation

This article describes a progressive strategy to achieve 100% penetration of intermittent renewables at minimal cost....

From Firm Solar Power Forecasts to Firm Solar Power Generation an Effective Path to Ultra-High Renewable Penetration a New York Case Study

We introduce firm solar forecasts as a strategy to operate optimally overbuilt solar power plants in conjunction with...

The Value of PV Power Forecast and the Paradox of the “Single Pricing” Scheme: The Italian Case Study

One of the major problem of photovoltaic grid integration is limiting the solar-induced imbalances since these can...

Verification of Deterministic Solar Forecasts

The field of energy forecasting has attracted many researchers from different fields (e.g., meteorology, data...

Italian Protocol for Massive Solar Integration: Imbalance Mitigation Strategies

This article proposes two strategies for the mitigation of power imbalances and related costs resulting from...

Perfect Operational Solar Forecasts: A Scalable Strategy toward Firm Power Generation

We present the perfect forecast concept as both an effective forecast validation metric and an operational strategy to...

Solar+ Homes: If an Integrated Approach Works in a Retrofit Application, New Homes Will Be Even Better

This presentation demonstrates the effectiveness of an integrated approach to electrification of existing and new...

Value of Solar+Storage in Guam

This report presents the results of a distributed-solar valuation performed for the island of Guam. The study used...

Montana Solar Market Assessment

As part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, the Montana Energy Office (MEO) of the Montana...

A Radical Idea to Get a High-Renewable Electric Grid: Build Way More Solar and Wind Than Needed

The famous inventor Edwin Land said, “It’s not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas.” He...

Can We Gauge Forecasts Using Satellite-Derived Solar Irradiance?

Satellite-derived irradiance data, as an alternative to ground-based measurements, offer a unique opportunity to...

Overbuilding & Curtailment: The Cost-Effective Enablers of Firm PV Generation

Current thinking considers that PV output curtailment is a last resort measure to be avoided. In this article, we...

Importance of Input Data and Uncertainty Associated with Tuning Satellite to Ground Solar Irradiation

Although the uncertainty of satellite data such as SolarAnywhere® Data has been shown to be low, it can be challenging...

Solar Energy Forecast Validation for Extended Areas & Economic Impact of Forecast Accuracy

This article evaluates the accuracy of solar forecast models, including SolarAnywhere®, as a function of geographic...

Integration of Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasts into Utility Grid System Operations

This paper describes a study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, to evaluate new, state-of-the-art solar...

Reducing Solar Project Uncertainty with an Optimized Resource Assessment Tuning Methodology

This paper describes procedures suitable for the optimal combination of ground-based and satellite-based irradiance...

Valuation of Solar + Storage in Hawaii: Methodology

Clean Power Research was engaged by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. (IREC) to develop a methodology that...

Operational Improvements in the Performance of the SUNY Satellite-to-Solar Irradiance Model Using Satellite Infrared Channels

This paper summarizes operational improvements to the existing SUNY satellite-to-solar irradiance model used to...

Experience in California with Behind-the-Meter PV Forecasts

SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is generating behind-the-meter PV forecasts in California, enabling utilities and ISOs to...

Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment...

Demonstration and Validation of PV Output Variability Modeling Approach

The California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research (CEC PIER) program awarded Clean Power Research a...

CSI RD&D Solicitation 1 Final Webinar: Advanced Modeling and Verification for High Penetration PV

In April 2010, Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration...

CSI RD&D Solicitation 3 Final Webinar: Integrating PV into Utility Planning and Operation Tools

Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment...

Advanced Modeling and Verification for High Penetration PV

In April 2010, Clean Power Research received a California Solar Initiative (CSI) Research, Development, Demonstration...

Minnesota Value of Solar: Methodology

The Value of Solar methodology developed on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Commerce, and approved by the...

Managing the Distributed Solar Fleet: From Interconnection to Fleet Operations

Bringing incentive and interconnection management online allows utilities to streamline processing and capture PV...

2014 Value of Solar at Austin Energy

This report and presentation summarizes a Value of Solar® study conducted for Austin Energy in the fall of 2013....

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting: Results for 130,000 PV Systems in California

Lean how SolarAnywhere® FleetView™ is being integrated into CAISO planning and operations tools to provide power...

Behind-the-Meter PV Fleet Forecasting

Grid-connected PV in the U.S. has grown substantially over the past several years and grid operators are increasingly...

The Value of Distributed Solar Electric Generation to San Antonio

This Value of Solar® study was prepared for Solar San Antonio under a Department of Energy SunShot Initiative grant....

The Value of Distributed Solar Electric Generation to New Jersey and Pennsylvania

This Value of Solar® study was prepared for the Mid-Atlantic Solar Energy Industries Association (MSEIA) and the...

Photovoltaic Incentive Design Handbook

This handbook will help agencies and utilities select, design, and implement incentive programs that best meet...

Reporting of Irradiance Model Relative Errors

Metrics used in assessing irradiance model accuracy such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error...

Off-Shore Wind and Grid-Connected PV: High Penetration Peak Shaving for New York City

This article presents an experimental evaluation of the combined effective capacity of off-shore wind and...

Solar Power Generation in the US: Too Expensive or a Bargain?

This article identifies the combined value that solar electric power plants deliver to utilities’ rate payers and...

Solar Resource Variability: Myth & Fact

Examines short-term solar resource variability caused by passing clouds. View Article >>>

The Benefits of Distributed Resources to Local Governments: An Introduction

Examines how local governments can benefit from and encourage the use of distributed resources. Download PDF...

Evaluating Irradiance Accuracy Using California ISO Data: Lessons Learned

This presentation provides the results of a study evaluating the short, medium and long-term accuracy of irradiance...

Determining Storage Reserves for Regulating Solar Variability

This paper describes the initial validation of a method of quantifying PV variability by using satellite-derived solar...

Modeling PV Fleet Output Variability

This paper introduces a novel approach to estimating the maximum short‐term output variability that an arbitrary fleet...

Designing Austin Energy’s Solar Tariff Using a Distributed PV Calculator

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Valuing a Portfolio of PV Investments

This presentation describes the importance of PV output variability as a factor in calculating the value of a fleet of...

Validation of Short & Medium Term Operational Solar Radiation Forecasts in the U.S.

This paper presents a validation of the short- and medium-term global irradiance forecasts that are produced as part...

Validation of PV Performance Models Using Satellite-based Irradiance Measurements: A Case Study

This paper presents a study of how PV performance model results are affected when satellite-based weather data is used...

Weather Adjusted Performance Guarantees

This paper describes how to generate more accurate Weather-Adjusted Performance Guarantees for PV systems using a...

Market Transformation Benefits of a PV Incentive Program

Real-life example of the economics of implementing a PV incentive program Download PDF >>>

Quantifying the Cost of High Photovoltaic Penetration

Calculating the cost of energy storage to provide firm capacity on a power grid with high PV penetration. Download PDF...

The CA Net Energy Metering Report: Approach, Results & Implications

The steps required to compute the costs and benefits of electric rates that use net energy metering. Download PDF...

Solar Sustained Vehicles: A Consumer’s Solution to Protection in an Age of Oil Dependence, Economic Uncertainty, & Global Warming

A consumer’s view of the fuel saving benefits of Solar Sustained Vehicles. Download PDF >>>

Expected Performance Based Buydown (EPBB) Incentive Structure: Rationale & Implications

Rationale for using an up-front incentive payment structure Download PDF >>>

Maximizing the Value of Customer-Sited PV Systems Using Storage & Controls

Enhancing the load management and outage protection attributes of PV to increase the value of customer-sited PV...

Economic Benefits of Performance-Based Incentives

Compares the economic consequences of performance-based and buy-down PV incentives Download PDF >>>

Are Photovoltaic Systems Worth More to Residential Consumers on Net Metered Time-of-Use Rates?

Examination of the value of PV to residential customers under Time-of-Use rates. Download PDF >>>

A Simple Method for Consumers to Address Uncertainty When Purchasing Photovoltaics

Should consumers invest in PV now, or wait? Download PDF >>>

Maximizing PV peak shaving with solar load control: validation of a web-based economic evaluation tool

Calculating the value of solar load control for commercial applications using Clean Power Estimator. Download PDF...

Reduce, Reuse, Renew: One Possible Approach to Cut Carbon Emissions

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Clean Distributed Resources in the U.S. Residential Market

Examines how PV combined with energy efficiency and cogeneration fuel cells can satisfy the energy needs of the U.S....

A Micro-Grid with PV, Fuel Cells and Energy Efficiency

This article provides an evaluation of the economic potential of a micro-grid composed of PV, fuel cells and energy...

Integrating Renewable Energy Technologies in the Electric Supply Industry: A Risk Management Approach

Identifies the renewable energy technology risks to utilities, and how to mitigate those risks Download PDF...

Managing Risk Using Renewable Energy Technologies

Explains how owning renewable energy technologies can mitigate risk faced by the electric utility industry Download...


Enhancing precision with new SolarAnywhere® sub-hourly TMY data
Enhancing precision with new SolarAnywhere® sub-hourly TMY data

Clean Power Research® is thrilled to announce the launch of SolarAnywhere® Sub-Hourly Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) irradiance and weather data! This feature provides SolarAnywhere customers with sub-hourly data, enhancing the precision of solar resource assessments. By offering granular data at 15-, 30- and 60-minute temporal resolutions and at 1-km spatial resolution, we empower SolarAnywhere users […]

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