Welcome to Project Heat Pump*

A web-based app for contractors to size and sell heat pumps

At Clean Power Research, we’re committed to a clean-powered planet. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest endeavor, Project Heat Pump.

Project Heat Pump is a sophisticated web-based app designed to revolutionize how contractors size heat pumps for residential customers. With Project Heat Pump, contractors will be able to:

  • Streamline the heat pump sales process; close sales faster
  • Deliver objective ROI assessments to homeowners
  • Build trust and provide peace of mind to customers

We plan on launching the beta version of our tool in the second half of 2024 and are looking for companies interested in taking it for a test drive. Please watch the short video below, and if you’re interested, join our pilot

*BTW, Project Heat Pump is so new that it doesn’t have a permanent name yet. Pilot participants will help us name the product, plus get a free year of usage! Join our pilot!

Watch the Introduction Video

Our Homeowner Report gives your customers the information they need.

Center for Sustainable Energy logo
  • Sizing: Project Heat Pump’s “Virtual Energy Audit” delivers accurate sizing recommendations based on data, giving homeowners confidence and allowing contractors to focus on getting the job done.
  • Incentives: Project Heat Pump identifies available incentives from federal, state, and local governments, providing contractors and homeowners with a clear view of potential cost savings.
  • Bill Impact: Through PowerBill®, Clean Power Research’s utility rates engine, homeowners can see how switching to a heat pump will affect their monthly utility bills, empowering them to make informed decisions about their HVAC systems.

Benefits of Project Heat Pump

  • Time Savings: Contractors can streamline the HVAC sizing process, eliminating the need for exhaustive home inspections, and delivering faster results to homeowners.
  • Confidence and Satisfaction: Contractors can provide homeowners a detailed report outlining energy needs, bill impacts, and potential incentives & homeowners can feel confident in their HVAC choices.
  • Efficiency and Comfort: Project Heat Pump ensures that contractors can provide an objective, value-based, assessment such that homeowners invest in heat pumps only when it’s truly beneficial.
Inspect electrical heat pump
Couple enjoying cool conditioned air

How does Project Heat Pump work?

Project Heat Pump provides block loads for residential HVAC contractors using data-driven analysis to ensure accurate and efficient heat pump sizing. By collecting monthly energy data from homeowners and a few other data points—such as current heating/cooling systems, home size and number of floors—we’re able to perform a Virtual Energy Audit, generating a precise assessment of a home’s heating and cooling needs at any temperature.

We compare the local weather data provided by SolarAnywhere®, Clean Power Research’s best-in-class weather and irradiance dataset, to the energy use over the past year to determine how much heating and cooling the home needs. Our patented process then crunches the numbers, allowing us to determine the heating and cooling load at industry accepted design temperatures. This allows us to find the perfect fit for a heat pump based on the home’s actual energy use and without even seeing it.

Electrical repair to fan system

Take Action! Join Our Pilot Program

Excited to be a part of the clean energy revolution and want to drive positive business impact?

Sign up now to be one of our pilot accounts! As a pilot user, you’ll have exclusive access to Project Heat Pump for free while we continue to refine and enhance the app throughout 2024.

Help us shape the future of residential heat pump sizing and be a champion for a cleaner, greener planet.

Together, let’s make every home a beacon of sustainability with Project Heat Pump!

Sign up now to get updates as we get closer to our Beta launch!