Solar Providers

Solar Providers

Clean Power Research Helps Reduce Solar Interconnection Soft Costs by Turning Paper into Bytes

New software, funded by a SunShot Incubator award, takes solar interconnection online to streamline application...

Clean Power Research Takes on Solar Soft Costs and PV Fleet Integration with $1.5 million in SunShot Initiative Awards

New software services will help utilities cost-effectively manage interconnection, better engage solar customers, and...

Solar Power Generation in the US: Too Expensive or a Bargain?

This article identifies the combined value that solar electric power plants deliver to utilities’ rate payers and...

Solar Resource Variability: Myth & Fact

Examines short-term solar resource variability caused by passing clouds. View Article >>>

Valuing a Portfolio of PV Investments

This presentation describes the importance of PV output variability as a factor in calculating the value of a fleet of...

Are Photovoltaic Systems Worth More to Residential Consumers on Net Metered Time-of-Use Rates?

Examination of the value of PV to residential customers under Time-of-Use rates. Download PDF >>>


Enhancing precision with new SolarAnywhere® sub-hourly TMY data
Enhancing precision with new SolarAnywhere® sub-hourly TMY data

Clean Power Research® is thrilled to announce the launch of SolarAnywhere® Sub-Hourly Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) irradiance and weather data! This feature provides SolarAnywhere customers with sub-hourly data, enhancing the precision of solar resource assessments. By offering granular data at 15-, 30- and 60-minute temporal resolutions and at 1-km spatial resolution, we empower SolarAnywhere users […]

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