

Black & Veatch and Clean Power Research Help Nation’s Largest Municipal Utility Double Rooftop Solar Incentive Program

SAN FRANCISCO, November 27th, 2012 - The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) has more than doubled...

Photovoltaic Incentive Design Handbook

This handbook will help agencies and utilities select, design, and implement incentive programs that best meet...

Behind-the-Meter Intelligence for Distributed PV Grid Integration

As energy generation from distributed PV increases, utilities and ISOs are working to quantify the impact of high...

Expected Performance Based Buydown (EPBB) Incentive Structure: Rationale & Implications

Rationale for using an up-front incentive payment structure Download PDF >>>

Economic Benefits of Performance-Based Incentives

Compares the economic consequences of performance-based and buy-down PV incentives Download PDF >>>

Validation of a Simplified PV Simulation Engine

This paper describes and validates a simple PV simulation model capable of predicting average PV output as a function...


WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data
WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data

Clean Power Research® is excited to announce an enhancement to WattPlan®, our personalized rate and DER customer education and engagement software for utilities and energy agencies. As of July 1st, all rooftop solar estimations on WattPlan sites started using Google’s...

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Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data
Investigating variation of soiling and snow loss models using SolarAnywhere® data

Soiling and snow on PV systems can lead to significant annual energy losses, reaching up to 50%1 and 40%2 in certain regions. Our study investigates common models for estimating soiling and snow-related energy impacts. By analyzing these soiling and snow loss models at a 1 km spatial resolution, incorporating typical PV system parameters and leveraging […]

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