PowerBill API

PowerBill API

WattPlan® Revealing Savings of Electric Vehicles and Solar in California, New York, Arizona

Online software has already provided 10,000 residential customers with instant, personalized estimates to determine...

New WattPlan® Software by Clean Power Research Sets Standard for Utilities to Deliver Highly Personalized Answers to Energy Questions

Early adopters are cost-effectively engaging customers about solar options with WattPlan®’s interactive, online...

Clean Power Research Takes on Solar Soft Costs and PV Fleet Integration with $1.5 million in SunShot Initiative Awards

New software services will help utilities cost-effectively manage interconnection, better engage solar customers, and...

Solar Sustained Vehicles: A Consumer’s Solution to Protection in an Age of Oil Dependence, Economic Uncertainty, & Global Warming

A consumer’s view of the fuel saving benefits of Solar Sustained Vehicles. Download PDF >>>

Are Photovoltaic Systems Worth More to Residential Consumers on Net Metered Time-of-Use Rates?

Examination of the value of PV to residential customers under Time-of-Use rates. Download PDF >>>

Maximizing PV peak shaving with solar load control: validation of a web-based economic evaluation tool

Calculating the value of solar load control for commercial applications using Clean Power Estimator. Download PDF...


WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data
WattPlan expands coverage of solar rooftop data

Clean Power Research® is excited to announce an enhancement to WattPlan®, our personalized rate and DER customer education and engagement software for utilities and energy agencies. As of July 1st, all rooftop solar estimations on WattPlan sites started using Google’s...

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