SolarAnywhere Posts | Apr 9, 2013
In a recent interview with Fierce Energy, President and CEO of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Steve Berberich, spoke about where CAISO is headed in 2013. As one of the largest electric grid operators in the United States, CAISO is responsible for...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Mar 28, 2013
Grid-integration of distributed generation sources continues to be a hot topic for utilities and independent system operators (ISOs). Last month, the Utility Variable Generation Integration Group (UVIG) held its 6th annual workshop on Variable Generation Forecasting...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Mar 14, 2013
Have you ever wondered if PV system orientation really makes that much difference to the amount of power produced by a PV system? As the map below illustrates, the answer is typically yes, but to varying degrees. This ‘Energy Gains’ map depicts how tilting solar...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Feb 21, 2013
Over the past few weeks, we’ve plotted out emerging solar industry trends for the upcoming year, including solar soft cost reductions, and a re-examination of net metering. These first two topics are primarily about the financials of PV: reducing system costs and...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Nov 28, 2012
Yesterday, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announced the newest release of the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB). The database is widely used by solar system designers, building architects and engineers, renewable energy analysts and others to...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Oct 17, 2012
We’re pleased to be announcing an addition to our SolarAnywhere® product family today – SolarAnywhere® SystemCheck™. We’ve been hearing from our customers who own fleets of residential and small-commercial scale PV systems, or who provide PV monitoring services, that...