Gavin Novotny | Sep 30, 2015
Utilities nationwide are adding variety to residential electric rate plans and reconsidering how to value rooftop solar. Rate changes being considered include demand charges and net metering “2.0” policies that provide customers less than full retail credit. These...
Ben Norris | Jun 24, 2015
Clean Power Research recently took on the challenge of developing a new methodology for performing a hybrid solar plus storage (solar + storage) valuation study for systems in Hawaii. The methodology was commissioned by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc....
Ben Norris | Sep 26, 2013
The Minnesota Department of Commerce Division of Energy Resources (Commerce) has kicked off a stakeholder engagement process that will lead to the development of the methodology of an optional Value of Solar™ tariff for the Minnesota Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs)....
Mark Liffmann | Dec 18, 2012
The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) – the nation’s largest municipal utility – processed 400% more solar incentives in the 2011-2012 fiscal year after implementing a new, more efficient program management solution from Black & Veatch and Clean...
SolarAnywhere Posts | Nov 28, 2012
Yesterday, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announced the newest release of the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB). The database is widely used by solar system designers, building architects and engineers, renewable energy analysts and others to...